Hello everyone, I'm sorry I'm not posting as often as I'd like to. For anyone who doesn't know, my Nephew (8) has moved in with us. It has been quite a rocky transition, but I have to say it's going as well as it could be. It's a big change for us, and we have been very busy with that. :) He / we have a lot of new things to get used to.
I had my 13wk appointment yesterday. It went wonderful! We had another ultrasound, it was AMAZING! The baby was moving, and flipping over, and sooo energetic. We could actually see fingers, and eyes/nose, everything! He/she was sucking it's thumb already, how cute! The Dr said "it's definitely Justin's baby, because it has super longggg legs and a really BIG head!" OMG I was laughing so hard, because that is SOOO my husband! Haha! I'm not sure how to get the ultrasound pics on the computer, if anyone knows how please comment and let me know. I'd love to share them with you! Here are the pictures that my Mom took yesterday. :) It was her first visit with us, and I think she reallly enjoyed it. The next time we go to the Dr we will get to find out the sex! yaaayyyy!! Grow pee pee GROW!!! (hoping for a boy - but intuition says it's a girl, lol.) either way we will be just ecstatic! This is such an exciting time!
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