My blog is about life, love, family, what makes me happy & sad, and everything in between... I named my blog Momma Hopes, because like many women out there - I was (and am again) trying to concieve (ttc) and having some trouble. I need an outlet to keep myself together. Update:Brady James was born on April 9, 2010. He is healthy and handsome! He is almost 7 months old - and here we go again, we're trying for a baby brother/sister for him!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Not an Update...
So let's talk about blood. No, not really. How about blood work? Well, as you know on Tuesday I had my first labs done. My hcg as I mentioned was 184. I just found out that my Progesterone test came back and it's climbed from 8.7 to 78.6!!! Wooo! That's awesome! That means my uterus is getting stronger everyday! Yay! I had to go back yesterday a.m. for a repeat hcg test. The only way to know if your levels are good - is to make sure they are doubling every 48 hours. When I got there, the girl couldn't find my paperwork... hmmmnnn... keep in mind, I asked her id I'd need to bring a lab slip and she said no because the one from Tuesday was for both days. ugh. great. ?? Well, apparently she never found it, because today my Dr. still hasn't received the updated hcg level. ugh. I AM DYING for this number!! It's the only way to know if I'm growing a bean, or not. oh Lets not think about that. I hope I don't have to go do another 2 tests next week. Frankly, I don't know if my arms would stay on or fall off if I had to. Ya see, My arm was still bruised from Tues, when I went on Thurs. She put the needle in the same spot - ouch - but my ARM WOULDN'T BLEED! ?!!?!? She pushed it deeper and was like scooping and digging to get it to bleed. OMG. It didn't. :( She tried to go to my left arm - and couldn't find veins. SO back to the right arm again... she decided to go over a few inched... uh - you aren't supposed to take blood from the SIDE of your ARM - so YES it hurt - and YES I have a ridiculous bruise. (and YES I'm a baby!) lol. :( SO that's my lab update people!! or not ....

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