Monday, November 15, 2010

The most Beautiful Day!

Brady's First Swing!


Daddy & Brady
So we have taken Brady to the park a few different times. He's never been mobile though - so basically it's just laying in the grass watching Dad and Andrew play soccer. This time, he got to go in the swing and down the slide!! (with help of course) He loved it!!! It was adorable. The day was perfect! It was nice and cool and breezy. The whole place is shaded with tons of Oak trees. It was great! :o) Andrew and Dad played soccer and threw the football. A friend of mine also came with her daughter, who is 3 months apart from Brady. Everyone had a blast! Of course I took pictures. :o) If anyone knows a good program to edit and play with photos, that doesn't cost an arm and a leg - please let me know!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Life Pyramid

Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Childs Sketch Of Human Pyramid Of Kids - 1If you drew a "life" pyramid, and filled in the blanks....what would go where? Have you thought about this?
     health    career    respect    material things

Do you put your husband and your marriage before all things? or maybe your career is more important...?
I ask this question because I am having a really difficult time. I am very lucky - and fortunate, that my husband is a successful business owner. I was able to stop working for almost 9 months, to care for my son when he was born. (a dream) I appreciate that. I savor that time I had with my son. However, I am questioning if your work and career should be so important that it takes away from your marriage, and family. My husband has a difficult time with this. What order should things go? Should there BE order? My husband is a NEWlywed. A NEW business owner. A NEW father. A NEW homeowner.... A new everything. I am a "new" most of those things... I understand that work is important. Income is extremely necessary. He has to "support" the family. Make sure we are bringing in enough, and that he is taking care of us. Let me add - I do work as well. I work in the home and I can't call it a career by any means. I'm home with the kids, and I have an income that's less than half of his, but it is something - and it isn't "given" to me. I have stressful days working, as does he. He seems to make light of "my life". I know I don't own a business - nor do I aspire to. The problem is - in his little pyramid drawing - (in my head) it's career, kids,, marriage somewhere down here... This is a problem for me. It is our job as parents to take care of our children, but how can we take care of our children if we aren't taking care of "us" first? This is a very personal entry to me.... I am very emotional about this. I can't even "get into it all here". It goes so deep. I am really hurting inside... and I don't know where to go from here... Our family per say, is well taken care of. Our marriage....not so much. I'm really falling apart inside.... He's actually said he's not close to me. He's told me he "knows I'm fed up with him".... I don't know what to change. He doesn't know what to change. It's just sad, and nothing is well... He told me I should go "talk to somebody". Ummmm hello? How about "us" talking to someone....? That will never happen. I do plan on talking to my doctor again, who has already tried two prescriptions of antidepressants with me. He'd told me awhile ago about having post partum. I understand that - however - I cannot blame that, or say that's all it is. It completely isn't. .....and my apologies for a downer of a post.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What happens when you leave Dad in charge?

So Justin was cleaning out his side of the closet - and I needed him to watch Brady so I could cook dinner. When I went in there to check on "the boys" ...where was Brady? "up there, of course" he said. Brady was up on the TOP shelf of the closet!! Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe he did that. It was convenient I suppose. He can continue what he's doing - and "watch" Brady. lol. I had to run and get the camera!
I guess nothing really could have happened - Justin was right there. He was being careful. :o)
After all - Brady was really enjoying it!!

So Many Firsts...

Ohhh the firsts.... Brady had his first tiny little tooth pop through. In the middle, on the bottom. He'd been drooling and chewing up a storm, but not fussy. Then, Sunday the 10th, there it was! A little white cloud of a tooth! The very next morning -ha- tooth number two!!! Hello cute little toothy smile!!
On the 11th, the same day that 2nd little cloud popped in, Brady said his first word. Clearly. "Dad." ON his Dads 30th Birthday! What are the odds of that!? "Dadadadadad..." and "OkayOkayOkay guyyyss". He added the "guys" once - haven't heard it again since. ohhhhhh the firsts!
Brady also had his first pumpkin festival recently. He grabbed a little tiny pumpkin to take home to play with, and chew on with his new teeth. He also has a bigger pumpkin, that we are going to let him play in. We'll cut the lid off and let him go to town in goop. I'm pretty excited about that!! He loved the pumpkin patch - he liked the hay. He wanted to eat everything! It was so great! All of his first holidays are right around the corner!! yaya!

Meet Brady James

My Momma Hopes journey started with my hopes of being a Mom. After much TTC, with infertility and a few nudges here and there from the best Dr. in the world, I am happy to share that Brady James Wallis, was born on April 9th 2010 at 5:17 p.m. He weighed in at 7 lbs 6 ounces. He is a healthy, handsome little flirt.